Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Klingon Bird of Prey

By Derek Golub

This is my Amt/Ertl Bird of Prey model that I purchased early this year. The construction of this model was fairly easy. It was the paint job and fine detailing that took most of the time and effort.

I painted the entire model a medium to light green. This was a good base coat but a darker green would’ve been better. I painted the finer details of the ship in rust, black, gold, and silver. The larger panels on the model were painted bomber green, green zinc sort of colour, and some other greys. I didn’t want to replicate a studio model so I painted the colours on as I pleased.

The tops of the wings were given a variety in the panel pattern consisting of bomber green, green zinc, and aircraft grey. The bottoms of the wing panels were painted a mix of red and metallic purple. Those made a very nice deep red. I painted the radiators that hold the wings to the main body silver. After airbrushing a thin black coat over them I realized the silver was car rim paint. This did cause some problems but I managed to paint on a thicker coat that stayed on.

This was a very fun model to build and would be a good kit for any level of modelers.

Image: Rear closeup

Image: Cooling fins

Image: Bow

Image: Stern

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